Submission of Thesis Research Proposal
- Eligibility: Students who have earned 12 major credits or more and have been assigned a thesis supervisor
- Submission Period: March or September
- Submission Procedure: Fill in, save, and print out an online form on the EDWARD system and have it signed by both thesis supervisor and department chair before submitting to the administration office of the graduate school.
- Required documents
- Master’s program: Thesis Research Proposal Form (석사학위청구논문 연구계획서)
- Doctoral program
- Thesis Research Proposal Form (박사학위청구논문 연구계획서)
- List of Thesis Examiners (연구계획서 심사위원 명단)
Thesis Research Proposal Form (논문연구계획서) and Thesis Presentation Application Form (논문 발표신청서) cannot be submitted in the same semester.
Presentation of Thesis Research Proposal
(Applicable only to Doctoral degree students)
- Eligibility: Doctoral students who submitted research proposal in the given semester
- Period: April or October
※ Specific presentation dates will be decided by each department.
Application for Thesis Presentation
- Qualification: Students who satisfy the following graduation requirements:
- Students who have earned the minimum credits required for the completion of the program (including prerequisite credits) or students who are expected to earn such credits in the given semester
- Students who have achieved GPA 3.0 or higher
- Master’s degree students who submitted thesis proposal in the previous semester / Doctoral degree students who submitted a thesis proposal and received an approval
- Students who have successfully completed graduation exhibition/recital (applicable to Master’s students of the departments of Music, Fine Arts, Design, or Media Arts)
- International students who have earned TOPIK level 3 or higher (TOEFL iBT 80 or higher for the students of the departments of English Education, Pharmacy, or Medicine.)
- Required documents
- Application Form for Thesis Presentation (논문발표신청서)
- Thesis Examiner Nomination Form (학위청구논문 심사위원추천서) Examiners for Doctoral degree: thesis supervisor, 3 professors in the same major field of study and 1 professor invited from a different university The invited examiner from another university is requested to submit a certificate of employment and a photocopy of his/her bankbook
- Thesis Examination Fee: ₩60,000 for Master’s degree; ₩300,000 for Doctoral degree
- Research Ethics Compliance Statement (연구윤리준수서약서)
Changing of Thesis Title
In case a thesis title needs to be changed after submission of research proposal, please follow the steps below:
- Log in to EDWARD System → Academics → Graduation → Thesis/Dissertation Management → 논문제목변경신청 → Add
- Enter details
- 변경전 (Current Title): Enter both Korean (제목-한글) and English (제목-영문) titles; Input subtitles (부제목) without quotation marks (" ")
- 변경후 (New Title): Enter both Korean (제목-한글) and English (제목-영문) titles; Input subtitles (부제목) without quotation marks (" ")
- Modifictn - Cause (Reason for Change): Type in the reason for changing the thesis title
- Request → Electronic approval of thesis supervisor → Sent to the Graduate School Administration Office
Please make sure to inform your professor and ask for an electronic approval.
- Period of application: June, December