Subject: foreign nationals entering Korea
Period of quarantine: 10 days from the date of entry
--> Foreign nationals who have to be quarantined for 7 days at a designated facility and 7 days at home (7+7), can now quarantine for 5 days at each place (5+5) – applicable to foreigners from South Africa, Tanzania, Chile, Peru, Myanmar and those without a negative PCR test
--> Short-term stay foreigners have to undergo a 10-day quarantine at a designated quarantine facility
Mandatory PCR test the day before being released from quarantine – 9th day of quarantine
--> Those in quarantine for 7+7 days (at a facility and at home) now only have to do the PCR test on the first day a facility and on the 9th day at a local health centre
Release from quarantine: on the 11th day at noon, only after a confirmed negative PCR test result
--> However, those quarantined at a facility, who wish to continue their quarantine there due to difficulties finding a private accommodation, are allowed to quarantine there (at the facility) for 14 days at their own expense (Since the condition for reduction of quarantine period to 10 days is a negative PCR test result, a 14-day quarantine is implemented in case the PCR test was not conducted the day before or the test result is inconclusive)
This new regulation takes effect from November 1st 2021 onwards.
--> However, those, who entered Korea before that date, can still be released from quarantine on the 11th day, if they have been in quarantine for more than 9 days and test negative on the 10th day
--> Those required to quarantine for 7+7 days (at a facility and at home) who already completed 6 days at a facility, can immediately spend the remaining quarantine period at home and do not need to undergo a PCR test in between.