Spring Semester 2025 Research Registration (Thesis & Academic Journal Thesis Replacement)
  • 작성일 2025.02.26
  • 작성자 임보배
  • 조회수 6

According to the regulations on research registration of ABT students, the following information is provided on the application schedule for research registration of ABT students for the Spring semester of 2025. The applicants are requested to apply within the given period.


1. Eligibility

a. ABT students who plan to present their thesis proposal or do their thesis defense

c. A person who plan to replace their thesis with publication in an academic journal 

    *ABT student: a student who completed 4 regular semesters AND obtained all required credits (24 credits for Master and 36 credits for doctoral)


2. Application method: Register through EDWARD System [refer to the attachment]

(Login to EDWARD System 학적 -> 연구등록생-> 연구등록신청)


3. Registration Fee for ABT Students


a. Humanities & Social Sciences (KRW 120,000), Natural Sciences, Engineering, Arts & PE, Medicine (KRW 150,000)

b. Please pay in one of the following procedures:

    - Payment for presentation of thesis/dissertation

       1) Students admitted in AY 2014 and after: Payment of registration fee (Only once at the beginning)

       2) Students admitted in AY 2013 and prior: Exempted from registration fee


4. Payment Procedures

a. Period: February 26 ~ March 28

b. Method(Refer to manual): Pay through the bank account provided after registering via EDWARD System

- Account number: Daegu Bank 9100034939880 계명대학교 신일희

(Must be deposited via the applicant's student number)


5. Students replacing the thesis with a published article

- Submit the application for thesis replacement

- Register the Graduation Thesis (졸업논문(공통)) course during the final semester and submit the thesis replacement confirmation form at the end of the last semester


6. For more information, please refer to the FAQ and contact the Graduate School Administration team at 580-6253 for further inquiries.